Imprint awarded CarbonNeutral® status

In August 2021, Imprint, the large format division within the Pureprint Group, was officially awarded CarbonNeutral® status by Natural Capital Partners.

This CarbonNeutral® status award demonstrates yet further advancement in the ongoing journey for the Pureprint Group, practically showing our commitment to the environment. This commitment is well-rooted and spans over three decades of increasing levels of environmental sustainability for the group.

All of Imprint’s energy all comes from sustainable sources, comprising 41% solar, 26% wind-generated, 24.2% from biomass and 8.8% generated by hydropower.

Dave Bullivant, Managing Director of Imprint, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this status, it demonstrates the group’s clear commitment to sustainability and is another step forward in the organisation’s journey to invest in environmentally sustainable resources.”

The Pureprint Group is clearly committed to this journey, in 2002 becoming the first CarbonNeutral® printing company in the world. Since then we have reduced over 28,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, which equates to over 110 million economy flight miles.

Imprint delivers a wide range of large format print across the retails, events, construction, hotel and leisure industries and is committed to responsibly sourcing materials that reduce not only ours, but also our clients carbon footprint. We call it ‘Carbon Negative’.

Speak to us today to see how we can support you with your organisation’s CarbonNeutral® and environmentally friendly print requirements. We all have a part to play in this journey.